Hi, I’m Vinicius Brasil, and I have been selling real estate here in Santa Clara for 20 years.
I mainly specialize in Santa Clara but work throughout Santa Clara county helping buyers and sellers navigate our often intense Silicon Valley housing market.
I enjoy getting to know my clients, educating them on Silicon Valley real estate, and working with them on their goal of buying or selling a home.
Thank you for visiting my website. This page is about me, my background, how I got into real estate, and my business and life philosophy. If you would like to contact me, you can call me directly or schedule a meeting with me below.
Keller Williams - The Brasil Group
19900 Stevens Creek Blvd #100
Cupertino, CA 95014 - 408.582.3272
- Schedule a meeting
Becoming a Realtor
Real Estate was something I was always interested in.
I had seen members of my family do well investing in real estate, and I decided that if I was going to make the change, now would be the time.
I was 27 years old at the time. I didn’t know much about real estate, and I didn’t even own a home. The industry at the time was dominated by individual agents that had been selling homes for decades.
After being in the industry for about a year, I noticed there were two main classes of real estate agents. Agents who were professionals and really knew the areas they worked, they understood the process, and stayed current on the changes in the laws and regulations. These agents provided real value and had their client’s best interests at heart. The second class just seemed to focus on getting clients and selling the most homes possible.
Although the idea of selling a lot of homes was attractive to me, I didn’t want to fall into that second category of agents. To me, the industry already had a used car salesman-type of stigma. If I was going to set myself apart from most agents, I had to provide value beyond just being a good salesman.
Since I didn’t know much about real estate, I really had to think about what it was that I was selling. What is a home? I started to realize how important the home I grew up in was in shaping who I would eventually become.
Understanding Homes and Neighborhoods
My family first immigrated to Santa Clara from Brazil in 1977 when I was just a few months old. We had extended family here and they helped us get started.
After a few years, my parents were able to buy a home on a janitor’s salary and the money my mom made from cleaning homes.
It was a small home in the Bowers Park tract, close to Wilcox high school. The greatest thing about that home was that it was just three doors down from a family with three boys. They would eventually become my best friends.
They were all older than me, but they took me under their wing. They taught me how to ride a bike, play football, basketball, how to hit a baseball, go fishing, and how to fix things. They took me camping, and mountain biking. In the summer we would go to the beach almost every week. We went on so many adventures, and those experiences gave me the confidence I have today to do anything.
That’s how important home and a neighborhood can be. It will shape your life.
Learning what a Real Estate Professional Does
I knew if I was going to sell homes, I should understand what I was selling.
I felt that I needed to learn as much as I could about homes. Such as how they were constructed. What made a home a good home and conversely what was a bad home?
What were the all areas and neighborhoods around Santa Clara and Santa Clara County like?
If I was going to represent a client on a home purchase or sale, I needed to make sure they were going to deal with a professional, someone that could provide them with valuable information so that they could make the best decision possible.
It was with this mindset that I began. I door-knocked neighborhoods and toured as many homes as I could in every area. I would host open houses throughout the valley, from Palo Alto to Morgan Hill and even Fremont.
I followed property inspectors around on their home inspections and ask every question imaginable. There were a few times when I put on coveralls and crawled under the house with the inspectors to see what they were looking for. Having in-depth conversations about the difference between subterranean and dry wood termites.
When I would meet with contractors or foundation experts, I would grill them on their processes and ask questions to understand why a home was experiencing certain issues.
Whether it was meeting with the city planning department to ask questions about permits or standing on top of a roof with the roofer, I soaked it all in and learned as much as I could.
A Real Estate Career Based on Experience & Compassion
I was learning everything I could about real estate and my business was growing. More and more referrals from satisfied clients were coming in, and all of a sudden, it all stopped.
When the housing market crashed in 2008, it was an uncertain time for everyone. For a young agent, I didn’t know what to do.
Several months went by without any homes selling. Trying to make sense of what was happening, I started to read about economics to understand how our financial system worked.
It was during this time that I started to understand the factors that were influencing our economy and our local market. This information made me feel more confident when speaking with my clients about timing and the market.
Although the market was slow, I kept myself busy. Working with homeowners at the time that were interested in selling, I urged them to get their homes updated to set them apart from all the distressed homes on the market.
This is when I developed my service of helping homeowners update their homes so they would be able to sell them for more money.
In many cases, the owners just didn’t have the money for the repairs.
Knowing that just $10K – $20K in updates would help their home sell for much more, I started a system where the homeowners could pay once the home closed escrow.
At the time, staging was a relatively new concept, and many sellers didn’t want to bother, mainly due to cost.
Understanding how a nicely staged home helped homes sell, I added it free to sellers as part of my service. It wasn’t long before people around Santa Clara started to notice my work and how my listings were selling faster and for more money.
Standing Out and Being the Best Realtor
My business grew as people started to notice my results. As I sold more and more homes, people would visit my open houses and comment on how nice the homes were presented. My listings were clearly selling for more money and faster than other listings in the area.
The home repairs and updates, the staging, and quality marketing were really making a difference. Calls from home sellers and buyers were becoming more frequent.
When the market started to turn around in 2012, my real estate business really started to pick up. I went from an average agent to the top agent in Santa Clara, and one of the top agents in the valley.
A New Way of Thinking About Real Estate
With all that experience, I gained a better understanding of not only homes and real estate but also our economy and how it affects our local market.
Rather than just being an expert on the process of selling a home, I see the role of a real estate agent as an advisor to my clients. Understanding their goals and objectives and how to best position them for success is key. And at times they may have been to advise them not to sell or buy.
Although I am far from the most successful agent in the valley, I feel solid in my understanding of real estate and am confident that when a buyer or seller hires me, they will be pleased with the service and results I achieve.

Building a Real Estate Legacy
It’s been a long journey of learning and experience. I am no longer the young new agent in the office.
I turned 47 this year. I’m married and have 3 kids. I now operate with a small team of agents and staff that allows me to continue to help and service my clients and still maintain a healthy life balance.
What excites me now is the same as before.
Meeting people, understanding where they are in life, and helping them get through this transition, the easiest and best way possible.
As always, I am excited to grow and take my business to the next level. Our team is doing such great quality work and providing a level of service that I am proud to put my name on.
We are continuing to learn and better ourselves, continuing to help clients in the hopes that we are providing them with great information and valuable service.
Thanks again for reading, I look forward to meeting with you and helping you in any way I can.
If you would like to set up a quick call to discuss your real estate situation, there is a link down below.
Until next time, I am Vinicius Brasil with the Brasil Group and Keller Williams.
Client Reviews and Testimonials
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Have a question? Interested in setting an appointment to talk about your real estate plans? Contact me today.