Vinicius Brasil made selling my house in San José easy. I knew from the start of the first conversation that he was the right person. In selecting someone to sell my house I interviewed several agents whom I felt most mediocre about. Vinicius was then recommended to me and we met. He was professional, completely open and honest, and had a logical, well-thought-out path for selling my property. He did not try to find other common ground to connect to me or my husband other than the house preparation and sale. I knew I could trust him and he would get the best deal. When we got to the % I was amazed to find that he took less than anyone else and that he did free staging. He also did not charge any extra % for project managing the work that was needed. When I had to leave the area for business I knew he had everything in hand. He and his team project managed the work to be done, staged, marketed, and sold. The video he took was perfect – was this really my house? I give Vinicius the highest marks and can not believe I was lucky enough to have him sell my property.